Ukraine War


Jan 5, 2008
What USA/Canada political party and what race openly supports the support of Ukraine in this war? Is there one?

If Ukraine elected a president with zero political experience who walked off the street as a stand up comedian. And this president bans 13 political parties which lean left to far left. But doesn’t ban say the Azov, Svoboda or Right Sector amongst others (Which are right to far right ultra nationalist parties, anti communism, religious conservatism, anti Russia, neo nazism ideology)

If puppet zelenski allows and supports these parties who openly oppose/attack lgbtq, foreign media, foreigners, immigrants, anti fascist groups/protesters then what exactly is Ukraine

If USA was a huge factor in backing the 2014 Ukraine coup that booted out democratic president of Ukraine because he was against nato expansion. And If nato expansion means more money for USA. Since USA profits off military sales to nato countries with average annual federal budget in the mid 70% range since WW2. USA makes a killing literally off military budget. With 80-90% going back into the economy. Provides jobs, economic cash flow, and allows USA to invest in newer better equipment while off loading older equipment to these countries. Since nato has equipment mandates brought upon USA. All these countries that join nato must upgrade to meet standards which the equipment come from two main providers (Germany and USA). If all this assistance money keeps 90% inside USA walls going towards American defense manufacturers. Then those who support the aid to Ukraine are pro war ?

What do we make of the people of certain political affiliation and certain race (white peoples flying Ukraine flags) who are openly obsessed with pro Ukraine?

If you’re pro lgbtq, anti fascist, anti far right, anti neo nazism, anti white supremacy, anti conservatism, anti nationalist and anti war or government spending towards military, then shouldn’t you be against openly supporting Ukraine? More neutral or anti Ukraine?

What do ya make of this?

Apr 30, 2009
Im not sure you understand most people lol.
How many pro BLM supporters actually KNOW where all the money went?
Flying Ukraine flags may just be their way of saying they are anti-war without knowing the politics involved.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Zelenski is said to be worth 1.5 billion and has a 34 million dollar villa in Miami.

Anyone awake and paying attention knows what's going on.

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
What ever happened to all the people that refused to drive German cars and protest anything German not to mention the largest amount of Jews were murdered in Ukraine . Why promote these fuckers. I guess the kool aid slogan never gets old. All I said was Jahova

Jan 5, 2008
What ever happened to all the people that refused to drive German cars and protest anything German not to mention the largest amount of Jews were murdered in Ukraine . Why promote these fuckers. I guess the kool aid slogan never gets old. All I said was Jahova
They are off fighting cow farts and climate change. Wasting water growing avacaddos and almonds to save earth and burn up fossil fuels to fly and drive these products all across the world in the name of veganism

Just like Putin and Russia Moscow areas are hyper friendly Jewish areas. Putin was raised by Jewish neighbors and a Jewish wresting coach. Actually supports and implement new laws towards Jewish n Muslim ppl. But we still have to be told Russia is bad. Not saying it’s great. Every country got weird rules etc.

But all I see is white predominantly women liberal diversity culture lovers in predominantly white liberal areas in love with Ukraine. Which is actually predominantly white and very far right and literally the neo Nazi mother ground in 2023. So it checks out to me the party who always chirps fascist every day as favorite word is more aligned with white supremacy then the rest.

Sep 17, 2010
NATO has crept east towards Russia for 20 years, which violates the original deal. Now, Ukraine is the final piece, if it goes NATO/EU, it will be on the border of Russia with nuclear weapons close to Moscow.

Putin has warned for years that to protect his country, he cannot tolerate NATO with nuclear weapons so close to Moscow.... just like President Kennedy stopped Cuba in the 60's from being a nuclear base.

The media does not ever mention this, the media controls the minds of the weak Democrat voter base, and the sordid details of what is going on in The Ukraine are unknown to almost everybody, including Conservatives that do not dig for it in alternative media.

Jan 5, 2008
NATO has crept east towards Russia for 20 years, which violates the original deal. Now, Ukraine is the final piece, if it goes NATO/EU, it will be on the border of Russia with nuclear weapons close to Moscow.

Putin has warned for years that to protect his country, he cannot tolerate NATO with nuclear weapons so close to Moscow.... just like President Kennedy stopped Cuba in the 60's from being a nuclear base.

The media does not ever mention this, the media controls the minds of the weak Democrat voter base, and the sordid details of what is going on in The Ukraine are unknown to almost everybody, including Conservatives that do not dig for it in alternative media.
Cuck Libby’s love this shit. I hope nato goes Ukraine. I want see the white cracker Libby’s dance with happiness. Right on Russia border.

Then I want China to set up bases in Mexico. Then Cuba. Just so I can see the diversity cucks lose their mind in rage and fear n gloom. Fuck out little Western Hemisphere treaty bs no other countries can have military operations in Western Hemisphere. We need pull our nose n influence out all these other countries business

May 11, 2016
I see the 2016, 2020 and now the 2024 Putin Commy Bots are active again stirring up their Commy boot-licking candidate in our good ole USA! MakeAmericaCommyAgain - vote for Trump and Putin- Seig Heil Boys! Good People On Both Sides!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Never would happen under Trump
"Foreign aid" (money laundering by the ruling class enriching themselves at your expense) is the biggest SCAM alive.

Forget "taxation without representation", it is outright theft by a criminal syndicate.

Oct 25, 2022
What's with the Russian general killed in Ukraine attack?

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